illustration of a paper airplane in front of clouds that surround an air traffic control tower above text that reads fwd:cloudsec

Privacy Policy

Emails are collected via a Mailchimp form. Their Privacy Policy is here. We will will use these emails solely for the purpose of communicating information about this conference and future conferences.

Tickets are being sold through Event Brite. Their Privacy Policy is here. We will use the attendee list solely for confirming ticket payment and admitting people into the conference. We will not provide this list to sponsors or anyone else.

Talks submitted to our CFP process are managed by Pretalx; their Privacy Policy is here. We will use use this information for selecting speakers for the conference. If the talk proposals discuss or hint at vulnerabilities, it will be treated by the reviewers as TLP Amber, meaning that the reviewers may use this information to ensure the security of the companies they work for against the issue described, but will not disseminate the issue further. Any vulnerabilties should have already been disclosed to their respective cloud providers. Talks at fwd:cloudsec will be live-streamed via our YouTube channel and recordings will be posted their later, except for Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.

In the past, talk proposals submitted to our CFP were managed via the Microsoft CMT (Conference Management Toolkit). Their Privacy Policy is here.

Information provided in applying for the scholarships will be used solely for the purpose of selecting individuals to award the scholarships to.

fwd:cloudsec sponsors the Cloud Security Forum Slack workspace and uses it for various conference communications. Slack’s Privacy Policy is here. This Slack is relatively open to anyone to join; while we will remove users who abuse the system, fwd:cloudsec has no control over or legal recourse against individuals who inappropriately share information that is posted there. You should only post or make available there information that can be shared broadly across the internet. Any private information (such as the email address used to sign into Slack) will only be used to administer the Slack workspace and will not be shared with any third parties.